How will I receive my reading?

An unlisted YouTube link to your reading will be emailed to you. This is a link that only you and I have access to; unless you choose to share the video with your friends and/or loved ones. The link to your reading will be emailed to you ANYTIME between the date of purchase and the scheduled appointment date. The time that you book DOES NOT determine the actual date you will receive your reading. In order to sell a "service" on this platform I had to set it up with booking times. 


How long will it take to receive my reading?

Due to the high volume of orders, it does take me longer than usual to complete orders. You can expect your reading anywhere between the date of purchase and the scheduled appointment date. The time that you book DOES NOT determine the actual date you will receive your reading. In order to sell a "service" on this platform I had to set it up with booking times. Please keep in mind that I am channeling these messages, so it is imperative that I am rested and clear for each reading. 


How do you connect to my energy without seeing me or speaking with me?

Everything is Energy. Energy is fluid. Which means it is all around us, constantly moving, waiting to be connected with. I am a very strong Woman of Faith and Trust in the Most High. I only ask for messages of guidance from the Holy Spirit. God is our Creator - He knows each of us by name, and by heart. When I ask to connect to your energy for clear messages, I have unwavering trust and faith that He will connect me to your energy.


Do you have a refund policy?

I do not offer refunds on readings that are already recorded and emailed. Readings take a lot of time, energy, prayer and meditation on the back end that you do not always see, nor are aware of. You are not paying for the reading, but more for my energy and also for my body to be used as the vessel to receive these messages. *** I will refund readings if you cancel prior to me recording it***


How often can I order readings?

It would be best to wait 3-6 months. Depending on your situation, and the healing and spiritual work you are putting forth. No new information will arrive, if you aren't putting in the effort on your end.


What kind of questions should I ask?

Please refrain from asking yes or no questions. The Holy Spirit is in the business of giving guidance on learning and healing - not yes or no. Try to phrase your questions in a way that will bring you guidance on which path will suit you best. If you still are struggling, just give me a brief overview of your situation, and I will create the questions for you.


How can I contact you, and get a response?

Catch me if you can! Haha - Just kidding. In all reality - I run this company completely by myself while also balancing the life of a single Mother of 3. I do try to answer all emails and messages - however it takes time! I get A LOT of messages. I always put readings first, but in my down time I do try to respond to messages. Please DO NOT get offended if I do not respond to your email - it is NEVER personal and I truly receive an enormous amount of emails. You can email me at karmalightreadings@gmail.com